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Chakra and Crystal Workshop

Learn about the main seven chakras to the bodies.

How chakras effect your energy and body.

How they can become congested.

Crystals and their meanings

How to protect your room and energy field.

This whole day Workshop will further your knowledge about the importance of the energy vortexs (chakras) within your body.

What crystals can assist, and the meaning of them.

How to use a pendulum for energy work, how and why chakras can get blocked. 

Finding out about the seven layers of the energy (auric field) what chakra they are associated with and how to cleanse them.

This workshop is great if you want to have more understanding of the chakras, energy field and crystals.

This whole day will be an investment of £50, only for places available on each one so a £20 deposit to secure place is required.

Upcoming Dates: Message for upcoming dates in 2024


10am- 4pm, bring your own lunch, hot drinks and snacks provided.

crystals used in healing

Crystal Massage Self-Help Course

This exciting one day course combines the use of crystals and massage techniques. This wonderful combination teaches you how to massage your whole body and which crystals you can use. You will benefit from the physical massage and the energetic properties of the crystals. This course is run by myself and the lovely Nija Morgan.

This is a wonderful self-help tool where you'll be able to look after your body whenever you need too. Massaging with a crystal is a wonderful mindful activity which makes your body feel more comfortable and balanced, as will your mind and emotions.

You'll start the day learning about crystals, how to cleanse them, connect with with your crystal wand, and learn how to massage each area.


You'll be able to treat......



Joint pain

Muscle tension

Aches and pains

Knee pain

Planter fasciitis

Shoulder pain

Digestive issues


Chronic fatigue

And so much more......

This one day course is for self-care and it's also the foundation to the accredited Crystal Massage Healer Course and the Crystal Therapist Course. 

Course fee is £140 which includes your crystal massage wand which brings many healing benefits and your manual. Other types of crystal wands will be available to purchase on the day if you'd like to target more specific healing.

Courses are held in Norwich and Northwold

Next dates for 2024

Norwich: Friday 23rd February

               Friday 12th April

               Friday 14th June

               Friday 9th August

               Saturday 12th October

Northwold: Saturday 27th January

                   Wednesday 6th March

                   Friday 10th May

                   Saturday 6th July

                   Wednesday 4th September

                   Friday 15th November

To book your place or for more information contact me.

michelle proving treatments

Finding the beauty within

This whole day workshop has been developed to help tune into our beautiful divine feminine energy with guided meditations connecting to our hearts and wombs. 

When we connect to our hearts we are coming from a place of love, our higher self where answers to questions become alot clearer.

Connecting to our womb is a powerful creative portal that holds deep feminine wisdom. We hold onto congested energy in this area from conditioning and ancestral patterns. Clearing the womb can start you on a journey of self-love, this has certainly been my story.  As we hold space and bring nurturing back to places and feelings of unworthiness, guilt, shame, abandonment, anger, loss, rejection and so much more.

We will be using my favourite crystals with their beautiful energy. 

Some of the advantages of sacred womb and sacred heart work:

Acceptance of the dark as well as the light.

Attract healthy relationships with yourself and others.

Helps to build self-worth

Creating strong healthy boundaries

Enhances intuition and connection to spirit guides.

Bringing your unique gifts and talents out to share with the world.

Courage to be your authentic self.

Better sexual relationships.

Grounding and deep connection to the earth.

On the Day Workshop

We will be connecting to our  sacred heart and womb.

With guided meditations, connecting to Rose energy.

Find out what wounds need to be loved and nurtured back into your being.

Learning out how to protect our energy with crystal rose water and how to make it.

Working with crystals for healing and transmuting, balancing our womb energy.

Womb practices

Your investment in yourself is £50 for the day with a £20 deposit to secure place, if you wish a one to one day this will be £120, message me to book.

Next Groups will be 

Weds 14th February 2024

Valentines Day


sacred place

Sacred pathways to the womb

A seven month course into the Holy womb, this is a deep transformational course and is recommended before committing to this that you have done my finding the beauty within whole day workshop. This work is for those that yearn for a deeper connection to their authentic self. We have a month between each pathway so we are able to nurture and integrate the energies.  We honour our womenhood, our sisterhood, we are heard, there is nothing more beautiful than seeing the beauty of others reflected back in  your very own eyes. We become connected not only to ourselves, others but the earth and all that she holds.

We will be connecting to the triple goddess energy within, the maiden, mother and crone and the elements of Air, Earth, Fire and Water. Each archetype and element will have a different meaning to your own unique journey. Each Month you will be taking on a journey of healing and opening the pathways to the womb, to set you free. With guided meditations, womb practices and crystal energy.

These pathways area real journey into self-love as we remove any blockages that are preventing us to truly step into our divine feminine power. 

Sessions are once a month for four hours, each session is £40, with a £70 deposit, which will mean £30 each Month. If you would like to do this one to one this can be discussed, if you are interested please let me know so I can place you on a list.

white rose

Initiation into the White Rose Pathway

These initiations/transmissions can be received one to one in person or via Skype.

We will be connecting to Ascended Master Priestess Mother Mary and the Holy Sophia. Through these transmissions you will be accessing your higher heart , channels, guidance, wisdom and teachings unlocking your gifts and purpose. Connecting to unconditional motherly cosmic energy, bringing this into your own life, nurturing your soul. 

These sessions are very much intuitively guided, they are for two hours, we will be tuning into oracle cards, healing session will be included before transmission.


Sessions £50 

pink rose

Initiation into the Pink Rose Pathway

Connecting to the essence of Lady Nada and the Elemental Kingdoms, through this initiation we access a deeper connection to our land, Earth and Sacred sites. Creating Alchemy in some way or another whether that is working with crystals, the plant kingdom, animal kingdom, Earth leylines, herbs or flowers. 

We will get a sense of clarity to where our highest path is calling and working in harmony with Mother GAIA.

Two hour sessions, tuning into oracle cards with a healing session beforehand, transmission into the pink rose.


Sessions £50

red rose

Initiation into the Red Rose Pathway

Connecting to Ascended Master Priestess Mary Magdalen, we delve deeper into alchemy, transmutation and transformation, bringing any shadows into the light.  Giving us the courage to overcome our deepest fear. Mary Magdalen works within the womb/ sexual energy, kundalini and sacred union.

Reclaiming your Power and Gifts once more.

Two hour sessions, tuning into oracle cards with a healing session included, transmission into the red rose.

Sessions £50

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