Meditation Groups (Monthly)
Nurturing Meditation Supportive Groups £15
I run Monthly Nurturing Meditation Groups, on a Dark and Full Moon.
These are lovely supportive groups that will help you to understand more about chakras, how your energy works whilst working alongside the Moon Energies.
Helping to enhance your intuition using your own inner guidance
We will be going through each chakra each Month starting with the root chakra at the base of your spine.
Learning what colour each chakra is, and what crystal energies are associated with them.
Gentle guided meditation into each chakra using crystal energy.
We will be working with the Moon Energies for each Month.
Reading Oracle Cards for the coming Month.
After we have gone through all seven major chakras within the body we will continue on enhancing our intuition with the Moon Energies, with guided/channeled meditations, connecting to our hearts and womb.
If you fancy joining this lovely Group contact me
I have several running at different days and evenings each Month.
Soundbath, Meditation and Crystal Healing

Sally Collins and I have come together with our combined skills to give you something completely unique. You will at the start of a session pick a positive affirmation card with a crystal that you will take on your journey. I will take you into a guided meditation whilst Sally begins to play her beautiful music, whilst this is being played I will be going around giving each individual a crystal healing at the end we will look into cards and crystals for guidance of the coming month. Sally and I love running these monthly groups giving you a taste of combined vibration and frequency of music and crystals, keeping your energy vibrating high.
This sessions are at Thorpe End Village Hall, 2pm-4pm
They are for two hours of pure relaxation
Investment of £25 with a non refundable £10 deposit, places are limited due to crystal healings.
Fri 7th Feb
Fri 7th March
Fri 4th April
Fri 2nd May
Fri 6th June
Fri 4th July
Fri 1st August
Fri 5th Sept
Fri 3rd Oct
Fri 7th Nov
Fri 5th Dec
Evening Groups now available from 6.30pm-8.30pm for 2024 on
Fri 5th Jan
Fri 1st March
Fri 3rd May
Fri 5th July
Fri 6th Sept
Fri 1st Nov
Evening sessions will continue in the new year, every other Month, first Friday starting Friday 5th January
These sessions are 6.30pm-8.30pm